Instantly Dissolve Stress, Anxiety, & Depression with Simple Metaphysical Exercises
If you've ever...
- felt too emotional to function some days
- felt stressed from overthinking and worrying
- felt that just coping with daily life is a struggle and effort
- avoided certain situations with others due to anxiety
- felt embarrassed of yourself easily
had disturbed sleeping/eating habits due to your mood
got irritated quickly- even about a 'trivial thing'
felt that you just couldn't get yourself to work or be productive
cancelled plans due to your mood
...Then you've probably been missing out on a greater quality of life due to poor mental health.
but it doesn't have to be that way!
I'm going to show you how you can finally be free from stress, anxiety, and depression WITHOUT having to meditate for hours on end OR live in a cave.
Hi, I'm RJ Spina
I have created a global movement of evolved and advanced souls and we are on a mission to share self-healing, self-actualization, and higher consciousness teachings that radically change the world.
In 2016 I overcame permanent chest down paralysis and life-threatening conditions in 100 days, exactly as I predicted, through the use of a healing technique accessed by my higher consciousness.
I am the author of the best-selling book, Supercharged Self-Healing: A Revolutionary Guide to Access High-Frequency States of Consciousness That Rejuvenate and Repair and my healing techniques have successfully helped people all over the world radically improve their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
See my healing technique in action + watch me overcome 'permanent' chest-down paralysis!
I am incredibly passionate about sharing higher-consciousness wisdom and now, I'm here to help YOU!
Developed from teaching and consulting for thousands of hours with clients and students just like you, I finally combined 15+ years of the best-of-the-best tools and techniques that instantly balance and repair your mental and emotional bodies of energy.
Introducing....Master Your Mental Health!
Specifically created so that immediate relief from stress, anxiety, and depression could be available to anyone, anywhere- Perfect for anyone who struggles with their mental or emotional health!
If you've been coping and suffering poor mental health
instead of living, take advantage of this shortcut
to mental and emotional wellbeing!
The Online Course + Mobile App
The extended library of tools and teachings that instantly heal your mental and emotional bodies of energy.
Featuring an expanded understanding of:
Shortcuts to Dissolve the Ego/Mind/Identity
Instant Stress Relieving Magick Tricks exercises I only share with my private students!
You will finally have every tool from my tool belt needed to experience freedom from chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and more!
Why Mental Health Matters
Mental Health Affects
Us All of the Time
How we
How we
How we
Mental Health Dictates How We Feel About Ourselves and Our World
Poor Mental Health can affect you on various levels
For some people, poor mental health can look like a deep depression or severe anxiety where they have panic attacks, can't stop crying, or can't get out of bed for days or weeks.
For others, poor mental health can have more subtle indicators that slowly but surely turn into a chronic and compounding problem if not addressed in a way that yields long-term results.
Some of the more subtle signs of poor mental health can include:
being overly irritable or emotional
low energy or social withdrawal
- difficulty concentrating
finding it hard to make decisions
lack of interest in day-to-day activities
sleeping too much or not enough
loss of appetite or eating too much
Simply put, poor mental health stops us
from feeling our best and doing the things that are important to us.
But not anymore!
Instant Peace | Total Clarity | Fully Present
The comprehensive library packed with succinct and powerful videos, meditations, and more that have you centered and calm in just seconds!
Experience freedom from stress, anxiety, and depression
for the first time ever!
15 + Modules
30+ Videos
28+ PDFs
Your lifetime library for mental health!
Everything that's inside this 15+ Module Library:
15+ Metaphysical Exercises and Protocol Videos
Get every single one of my instant stress relieving 'magick tricks' in one spot and do them with me in each video!
Wether you want to address your mental or emotional health, there are protocols designed and labeled for each one.
2 Energizing + Harmonizing Meditations
Get the "Open Your Third Eye" audio meditation & "Global Healing" meditation.
Great for deep relaxation, body rejuvenation, and getting rid of old mental/emotional patters for good!
28+ Pages of Metaphysical Instructions + Explanations
Use the PDFs as a reference guide to gain a greater understanding of how the protocols work.
Learn what happens on an energetic level when using these exercises that heal your mental and emotional bodies of energy
15 "Overcoming Obstacles" Videos
If you're ever unsure that you are doing an exercise right or just have questions, you'll always be able to reference this section within each module.
Here I will answer the most common issues or sticking points to help keep you soaring through the course and onto new levels of mental and emotional health
The comprehensive library of tools that will instantly dissolve stress, anxiety, and depression...... even if you've been struggling for years!
Here's everything You'll Get Inside:
Lecture 1:
Lecture 2:
Lecture 3:
Lecture 4:
Lecture 5:
Lecture 6:
Lecture 7:
Lecture 8:
Lecture 9:
Lecture 10:
Lecture 11:
Lecture 12:
Lecture 13:
Lecture 14:
Lecture 15:
Lecture 16:
What is Anxiety & Depression?*...........
"Who Am I" for Thoughts*....................
"Who Am I" for Emotions*....................
Two Fingers to Chest*.........................
Say " I Don't Know/ I Don't Care"*........
Put the Groceries Down*......................
Release the Balloons for Thoughts*.........
Release the Balloons for Emotions*.........
Pop the Bubbles for Thoughts*...............
Pop the Bubbles for Emotions*...............
Pretend it's a Boring Movie*..................
Two Eyes Floating in Space*.................
Drain Water From the Bathtub*..............
Periscope/ Submarine*........................
Maintain Your Peaceful State*................
$199 Value
$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value $99 Value ​
$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value $99 Value
​$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value
$99 Value
*includes 2 videos each + PDF instruction (1-5 pages)
TOTAL VALUE= ($1,585)
Retail Price: $1399
Today's Price: $397
That's 15+ core modules, 30+ videos, 28+ PDFs for just $397!!
Get Started Today and Walk Away With...
The Higher-Consciousness Understanding of What Anxiety + Depression REALLY is and How to Stop it!
Proven Techniques That Reverse Your Chronic 'Fight or Flight' Stressed State
Shortcuts to Dissolve Deeply Engrained Negative Mental and Emotional Patterns
Strategies to Let Go of Negative Attachments
A Lifetime Access Library That 's on Your Computer and Inside Your Pocket!
And Get These Bonuses!
Open Your Third Eye
Relaxation Meditation
Release mental, emotional, & physical tension with this powerful and soothing audio.
Experience a greater sense of peace and clarity by effortlessly opening your third eye. This guided meditation is designed to increase your intuition and balance your mental and emotional bodies of energy.
Global Healing
Energizing Meditation
Let go of the past baggage, trauma, and limiting beliefs you've unknowingly accumulated throughout your life(times).
Use this transformational audio to experience deeper love, gratitude, forgiveness, and have the tangible knowing that you are a fractal of god/source/creator.
Quick Start Online Reference Guide
Use this quick start guide to find the perfect tool for whatever your current problem is.
Having overwhelming emotions, can't stop over thinking, or suffering from stress due to relationship problems? -No problem, just follow the guide to direct you to the best tool for your specific situation.
24hr Mobile App Access
No Wifi Needed!
Get the best of both worlds by using this course on your home computer/laptop or on-the-go with your mobile phone! You can download your favorite lessons right into your phone so that even without internet connection, you still have access to this higher-consciousness content.
The comprehensive library of tools that will instantly dissolve stress, anxiety, and depression...... even if you've been struggling for years!
Here's everything You'll Get Inside:
$199 Value
$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value $99 Value ​
$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value $99 Value
​$99 Value $99 Value
$99 Value
$99 Value
Lecture 1:
Lecture 2:
Lecture 3:
Lecture 4:
Lecture 5:
Lecture 6:
Lecture 7:
Lecture 8:
Lecture 9:
Lecture 10:
Lecture 11:
Lecture 12:
Lecture 13:
Lecture 14:
Lecture 15:
Lecture 16:
What is Anxiety & Depression?*...........
"Who Am I" for Thoughts*....................
"Who Am I" for Emotions*....................
Two Fingers to Chest*.........................
Say " I Don't Know/ I Don't Care"*........
Put the Groceries Down*......................
Release the Balloons for Thoughts*.........
Release the Balloons for Emotions*.........
Pop the Bubbles for Thoughts*...............
Pop the Bubbles for Emotions*...............
Pretend it's a Boring Movie*..................
Two Eyes Floating in Space*.................
Drain Water From the Bathtub*..............
Periscope/ Submarine*........................
Maintain Your Peaceful State*................
*includes 2 videos each + PDF instruction (1-5 pages)
Plus these Bonuses + Features!
Quick Start Guide.......................................
"Open Your Third Eye" Relaxation Meditation....
"Global Healing" Energizing Meditation..........
24-7 Mobile App + Web Access..................
$25 Value
$75 Value
$75 Value
Retail Price: $1599
Today's Price: $397
That's a 75% discount on 15+ core modules, 30+ videos, 28+ PDFs
PLUS 4 awesome bonuses for just $397!!
Make an investment that will last a lifetime....
If you're reading this, you've probably heard the cliche saying "Health is Wealth".... and well, it's actually so true!
By now, most people know the basics as what to do to maintain their physical health: eating healthy, exercise regularly, taking vitamins, etc. but have a difficult time integrating mental and emotional self-care techniques that they can turn into long-term habits.
In recent years it has also become common knowledge that our mental and emotional state has a HUGE impact on our physical health and quality of life.... but the exact protocol for 'what to do' to maintain mental and emotional health has been a mystery.. until now!
While meditation is a very popular avenue to reduce stress and achieve mental and emotional health, it can sometimes be too difficult to find the time to sit quietly for 15-20 minutes- especially if you're already agitated, upset, or spiraling with overwhelming thoughts or emotions.
So that's exactly why I wanted to create this library of teachings! I wanted to give you tools that will instantly calm you and work within seconds so you can use your energy to create and focus on something you truly desire and enjoy!
If you've already watched some my videos and teachings, you'll probably recognize a few of the tools or lectures in this course. What's totally different here is that now you'll finally have them all in one place, and get new, specific and detailed instruction to master the energy within your mental and emotional bodies. Some of these tools I've never shared before!
If you get started today, you'll be able to read, watch, or listen along and do each exercise with me whenever you want!
Every tool I've ever used to dissolve stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions will now be in your hands... and I can't wait for you to join me!​
See you on the inside!
I AM your holy brother,