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AWESOME! Your free Instant Stress Relieving Guide is on it's way to your mailbox now!


While you're here... may I show you my signature intro-course, Meet the Real You?

Learn the Skills You Need to

Deprogram Your Subconscious Mind 

Perfect if you’ve never meditated before or are years into your spiritual practice and personal development!
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Dr. Jason Loken & Tea Shahbazi


Dr. Jason Loken,

ND, DOMP, PhD (cand)

Naturopathic Doctor

Integrative Medicine


The Inspire Health Podcast

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"If you know there is more to life than what you are currently seeing and feeling, and if you want to wholeheartedly change the limiting patterns in your life, then dive into this course with both feet and allow yourself and your life to expand exponentially."



Any of this sound familiar?

You have the itch to break free.. to finally be your true self

You’ve tried changing your beliefs, thinking positive thoughts, or creating new habits but you got frustrated when even all those didn’t give you lasting results.


Or maybe you used to meditate and work on yourself, but it wasn’t enough to make a permanent change and now you’re not sure where to start again.

the problem

You know that limiting beliefs, family wounds, & societal conditioning are holding you back... but how do you actually overcome them??

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You read tons of self-help material…

but you still find it difficult to un-do those deeply ingrained limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and unfulfilled.

You’ve tried life-coaches, therapists, & personal development seminars....

but too often they just don’t feel authentic or resonate deeply

within you.

You've watched every self-improvement

 video on Youtube...

and you understand it mentally, but it's difficult to embody the teachings in every day life

You've been putting in the work to overcome

your ego-mind...

But you feel like you're not getting any traction or just aren't 'getting it' like everyone else who's had a spiritual awakening

You know that you've been holding yourself back...

and you're tired of NOT living the life you know is possible

But I've Discovered

The desire for inner freedom, personal success, and true fulfillment can never be actually silenced because that feeling – that inner knowingness – is always the stronger more powerful force!


That’s how the Real You works! It demands to be heard and expressed. That inner voice- the Real You- will only become louder and louder until you break free of your subconscious programming and limitations.


If you're here- you're ready to finally ready to meet the real you.​


Why the Subconscious Mind?

The subconscious mind runs on beliefs, patterns, coping mechanisms, and trauma.


Although some of these strategies may have been helpful when we first needed them, like in childhood, they keep us in a state of fear, lack, stress, and survival - even if we don't need to operate that way anymore as adults.


As we get older, it's even more important to deprogram these dysfunctional patterns if we really want to experience true happiness, success, & personal fulfillment.


I'm RJ

With an aversion to inauthenticity, spiritual fiction, and mental exercises disguised as self-help, I’ve discovered a powerful, pragmatic, and repeatable way to bring the subconscious mind into full conscious awareness.

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I’ve helped people for 26 years all around the world with their physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual challenges by using the same techniques and protocols that I used to authentically overcome permanent chest-down paralysis, chronic illness, and free myself from my own self-imposed limitations.


Over time I noticed the people I worked with all shared a common thread: being able to clear their mind from it’s ever-intrusive thoughts and destructive beliefs was nearly impossible for them.


That was the missing link that was preventing them from accomplishing their goals.


So I became obsessed with creating a program that literally anyone can do to release themselves from the choke-hold of subconscious limitations & programming.

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Author of Amazon's #1 New Release

in Spiritual Healing &

Alternative Therapies


I did it for myself and got nothing short of amazing and enlightening results.


Now it’s your time!


​Being so anchored and confident in who and what you really are that nothing, not even our frenzied and chaotic world, can ever affect you.

Transcend Subconscious Limitations.
Conquer the Conditioned Mind.
Unleash Your
Power to Create.

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and more!



"This exercise gets to the deep subconscious that you didn’t even know was there. It begins to free you, layer by layer… when you put in the work, you begin living as your true authentic self."

bye bye, subconscious limiting patterns



Learn to Dissolve Your Subconscious Programming at the Root!


The powerful no-nonsense online program and mobile app that has you living as the Real You in as little as 2 weeks!

Perfect if you've read Amazon's #1 New Release: Supercharged Self-Healing or have been searching self-help materials for years!

3 Module style program


Easy to follow video lessons


Simple yet powerful


Life-changing protocols


Immediate results

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What’s included:


What is the Subconscious Mind?


Right away I will share with you what is REALLY preventing you from actualizing your true potential. Many methods attempt to cover what we will comprehensively discuss in module 1! We will lay the groundwork for the exercises you will do, and then you’ll learn my tried and true method for the great undoing of your life’s limitations. 



The Notebook Challenge

Instead of peeling back the layers of the onion, we’re going to throw out the whole onion. You'll feel your limitations being lifted off of you and will tangibly realize your mental programming is not you! I'll take you by the hand to get to the root of whatever holds you back in this 14-day protocol.



Awakening to the Real You

In this module, you'll learn how to transcend the common sticking points and the tricks the subconscious mind plays to keep you in fear and stuck in neutral. I will show you how to move beyond any sticking point, no matter how perplexing or impossible, so you can experience yourself free from any constraints.

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​Deprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Walk away with: a reliable, life-long tool kit that opens the door for you to be who you really are and to seamlessly build the life you want without the perpetual self-doubt or self-sabotage.



"It was an easy and fool-proof way to remove the deep rooted self-sabotaging subconscious programming that was always holding me back…I no longer have that overwhelmingly critical voice in my head anymore."

Have Confidence to Get Started Today


Meet the Real You was created from my heart to yours, believe it or not, over 20 years ago! During this time I’ve tested it not only on myself, but with countless students all over the world who all agree that this is the single most transformative thing you can do in your life!


I want you to be as confident as me and my students are about Meet the Real You- that’s why if you purchase today, you’ll have 30 days to get started with the content 100% risk free.


If you feel that you have not learned something new that led to an improvement in your well-being, just let us know within the first 30 days, and we will provide a full refund!


Here’s where it gets even better! 

Buy now and you’ll also get….


 “Dark Night of the Soul" Exclusive Video Addition


The shedding and overcoming of the EMI has been written and talked about for millenia. In this video you will learn exactly what the "Dark Night of the Soul" means in and how to swiftly move through it in Module 3.


Create Your Own 48-hr Time Saving Retreat

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Get success on your own terms! Use these guidelines to get the best results possible when doing a 48-hr condensed version of Module 2.


24-7 Mobile App & Web App Access

You will have 24-7 access to the program on your smart phone, desktop, or tablet! Download everything into the app so that you never need wifi or cell service!



PDF Print-Ready Workbook

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This workbook is designed to be printed and spiral bound into a booklet to be used again and again. There are 75+ pages to support your step-by-step process in Module 2.


The Top 12 Habits That Keep You From the Real You

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Get life-long results by using this cheat sheet to help you determine if you’re being the Real You or your EMI conditioning.


Daily Activity Tracker

Track your progress each day when you complete a task in the program. Stay motivated by your tangible and visible proof!

“I felt more awake and at a higher frequency... it has stopped me from getting my self-worth from other people.” -Heather
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Everything you’ll get inside:

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $12)

(VALUE $9)

(VALUE $12)

(VALUE $12)


TOTAL VALUE= ($186+)

Total Price: $37

That’s 3 core modules + 5 awesome bonuses for JUST $37!!

Module 1Understanding the EMI (Ego/Mind/Identity)

Module 2The Notebook Challenge 

Module 3: Awakening to the Real You

BonusExclusive Video “Dark Night of the Soul

BonusPDF Print-Ready Notebook

BonusCreate Your Own 48-hr Retreat PDF 

BonusTop 12 Habits That Keep You From the Real You PDF

Bonus24-7 Web/ Mobile App Access & Activity Tracker 

Price Stack 1

You Asked

Ask away,

I'm here to help

I’m new to personal development, but my friend has been doing it for years. Would this work for both of us?

How much time will I have to go through the entire course?

​Can I watch the videos and do the course on all of my devices? I like to use my phone but I have a tablet and computer too.

I’m not very tech savvy… is there support if I’m having trouble accessing the course/app?

Meet the Real You is 100% for you both! These powerful teachings and tangible truths apply to and benefit everyone- no matter what level the person is at. I’ll walk you both through how to dislodge, delete, and discard all of the old subconscious patterns of limitation that keep you from reaching your true potential and joy.

When you purchase today, you will have 100% forever full access to all of the course content and the mobile app. Take as long as you need, and do the exercises multiple times if you like. There is no required end date so it’s perfect for those who like to work at their own pace. 

Yes! Our program is neatly packaged in a user friendly app that you can use on a desktop computer, tablet, iPhone, or Android. With our latest feature, you can actually download all of the lessons, videos, content, and more all into the app so that you don't need wifi or internet connection. Perfect for our international students!

There sure is! No tech skills, no problem. If you ever need help you can call, email, or text my team for support. They walk you through the needed steps and get the issue solved asap.

they said

Here’s more what students of Meet the Real You are saying about their experience

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Dr. Jason Loken & Tea Shahbazi

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Dr. Jason Loken, ND, DOMP, PhD (cand)

Naturopathic Doctor

Integrative Medicine


A phenomenal opportunity for you to know yourself in a deeper and more honest way


"This online course is a phenomenal opportunity for you to know yourself in a deeper and more honest way than you probably ever have before. There were countless insights as to why we actually did the things that we did and therefore continued to create the reality that we were experiencing.


If you know there is more to life than what you are currently seeing and feeling and If you want to wholeheartedly change the limiting patterns in your life, then dive into this course with both feet and allow yourself and your life to expand exponentially. Thank you RJ for providing the tools to facilitate these revelations."



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I finally have the tools and direction that completely changed my life for the better in every way.


"I have always felt like there was so much more potential for success and happiness inside of me. But no matter what I did, my health and personal life has always been a struggle. I was never able to experience real happiness or success until I did “Meet the Real You”.


RJ’s course is so profound but so simple. It’s an easy and fool-proof way to remove the deep rooted self-sabotaging subconscious programming that has been holding me back my whole life. I finally have the tools and direction that completely changed my life for the better in every way."

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This exercise gets to the deep subconscious that you don’t even realize was there.


"When I was ready to begin to let go of the beliefs and programming that had been my identity all my life, I didn’t know where to start or how to begin. I didn’t understand who I was and what decisions and choices were mine. 


RJ had me go through the exercise from Meet the real you. It opened my eyes to all the identifications, misinformation and programming that simply was not me. This exercise gets to the deep subconscious that you don’t even realize was there. It begins to free you, layer by layer…when you put in the work, you begin living as your true authentic self."

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I am finally true to myself and freely speak my truth....I realized that I alone determine my self-worth, always.


"As I did the course, I kept coming up with the same answer. I was getting my self-worth from what other people thought of me. Anywhere from text messages I would send, to doing things I didn’t want to do. The more and more I did the work, I felt more awake and at a higher frequency. The best part is that it has stopped me from getting my self-worth from other people. I am finally true to myself and freely speak my truth. I have much more control over my actions now and I realized that I alone determine my self-worth, always."

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I was able to identify things that were not good for me and were not serving my higher self. Confidence issues, fears, doubts, etc. were all  things that were not going to help me grow.


"I learned something very valuable and extremely eye opening when I did the notebook exercise. At first I thought this will be easy, I’ll just document a few things, dive deeper and see what comes up for me. After I put a few things down on paper, I quickly realized that this was a powerful exercise. 

I’m very grateful for the notebook exercise because I was able to identify things that were not good for me and were not serving my higher self. Confidence issues, fears, doubts, etc. were all  things that were not going to help me grow. Things I needed to let go of. The key was to learn what they were and that they even existed. That was what I got from the exercise. It’s a very powerful tool. I’m grateful to have the ability to now let go of the junk that was clouding my consciousness."

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Everything you’ll get inside:

Lesson 1Understanding the EMI (Ego/Mind/Identity)

Lesson 2The Notebook Challenge 

Lesson 3Awakening to the Real You

BonusExclusive Video “Dark Night of the Soul”

BonusPDF Print-Ready Notebook

BonusCreate Your Own 48-hr Retreat PDF 

BonusTop 12 Habits That Keep You From the Real You PDF

Bonus24-7 Web/ Mobile App Access & Activity Tracker 

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $12)

(VALUE $9)

(VALUE $12)

(VALUE $12)


TOTAL VALUE= ($186+)

Today's Price: $37

That’s 3 core modules + 5 awesome bonuses for JUST $37!!


Are you Ready?

I hope you’re as excited as I am to Meet the Real You!

The truth is… it’s 2022…  and the state of the world is extremely challenging to navigate in a healthy way. The world population is reporting worsening mental health, record low levels of happiness, tendency towards addiction, suicidal thoughts, and more. Nearly everyone experiences confusion and frustration about what to do or where to turn for help!

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There’s never been complete understanding or comprehensive instruction on how to dissolve the False Self, the only true obstacle in life! But luckily, a powerful and succinct protocol is available to you right now! I am here to share my lifetime of higher knowledge with you so you can finally feel and live how you were always meant to.

Uncover what has been holding you back from happiness, success, and inner fulfillment â€‹


Meet(ing) the Real You is the greatest gift one can receive.

And like all gifts, they are best when shared.

The world needs the Real You.

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Discover a more fulfilled, purposeful, & happier way to live… join me!

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Everything you’ll get inside:

Module 1Understanding the EMI (Ego/Mind/Identity)

Module 2The Notebook Challenge 

Module 3: Awakening to the Real You

BonusExclusive Video “Dark Night of the Soul"

BonusPDF Print-Ready Notebook

BonusCreate Your Own 48-hr Retreat PDF 

BonusTop 12 Habits That Keep You From the Real You PDF

Bonus24-7 Web/ Mobile App Access & Activity Tracker 

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $47)

(VALUE $12)

(VALUE $9)

(VALUE $12)

(VALUE $12)


TOTAL VALUE= ($186+)

Total Price: $37

That’s 3 core modules + 5 awesome bonuses for JUST $37!!


The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Supercharged Self-Healing, LLC. makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEB SITE.

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